Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscipts should be written in English, typed in Ms Word using 12-point, Times New Roman font, double line spaced and not exceeding 10 pages of A4 paper including abstract and references.
  • All Manuscripts must include a brief abstract not more than 250words, with 4-5 keywords.
  • Citations and references should be prepared according to the 7th editionof the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • Authors are to ensure that the submitted material is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Submitted articles will be checked by plagiarism and other ethical issues although author(s) retains overall responsibility for any copyright infringement.
  • Once the Editors determine that a manuscript is appropriate, the manuscript is sent through a bind fold double peer review machanism, and final publication decision is made by the editors taking reviewers' comments into consideration. Authors are notified of the editors' decision along with copies of the reviewers' comments.
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