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journal : Rectem International Multidisciplinary Journal

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Building Industry: the Professional’s Perspectives on Three-Dimensional Concrete Printer


This study, "Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the Building Industry: The Professional's Perspectives on Three – Dimensional Concrete Printer, "was conducted to determine how well – informed the Nigerian construction industry is about artificial intelligence and three – dimensional concrete printers. According to Niksasetal .(2007), a lack of appropriate digital skills and technology adoption in the construction industry is linked to cost inefficiencies, project delays, subpar quality performance, poorly informed decision - making, and subpar productivity, health, and safety performance. The construction sector must embrace digitization and better technology, as has been clear in recent years as a result of several issues, including, among others, a lack of skilled labour. Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of creating intelligent devices, particularly intelligent computer programs. By depositing materials instages according to a computer model, three – dimensional concrete printing is a technique used to produce real objects. A side from cost savings, shorter construction times, and a decrease in accidents and waste, three – dimensional concrete printing has many advantages for the construction industry. This study's main goals are to identify potential applications for AI in the building industry, gauge how much building professionals are aware of it, how they use it, and how they perceive it — particularly in the context of 3D concrete printers — as well as how readily they accept AI's potential to replace human labour in the sector. In the study, the stake holders and professionals in the building industry in Lagos State were manually surveyed as part of the descriptive and inferential statistical data collection. All professionals were given two hundred and fifteen (215) surveys, and two hundred and three (203) responses were fully returned, or 94.4 percent of the total. The statistical software SPSS was used to examine these responses. In contrast to the three – dimensional concrete printer (3DCP), the results indicate a high level of awareness of artificial intelligence. Three – dimensional concrete printers have the potential to raise housing quality in Nigeria's construction industry, even though few specialists are familiar with them. Conclusions and recommendations were derived from the findings, such as the fact that a three – dimensional concrete printer will benefit the construction sector, help reduce waste, and speed up the completion of building projects. To keep up with counterparts in the Western world, a further suggestion is made that a comprehensive and ongoing study of evolving technology is encouraged. Additionally, the government should promote AI and encourage the inclusion of knowledge about it in primary, secondary, and tertiary institution curricula.


Artificial Intelligence

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